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Software Product Line Engineering with Feature Models - Part 3

Danilo Beuche, pure-systems
Mark Dalgarno, Software Acumen,

Designing a variable architecture

A Product Line architecture will only rarely result directly from the structure of the problem space model. The solution space which can be implemented should support the variability of the problem space, but will not necessarily be a 1:1 correspondence with the architecture. The mapping of variabilities can take place in various ways.

In the example Product Line we will use a simple object-oriented design concept implemented in C++. A majority of the variability is then resolved at compile-time or link-time; runtime variability is only used if it is absolutely necessary. Such solutions are frequently used in practice, particularly in embedded systems.

The choice of which tools to use for automating the configuration and / or production of a variant plays a substantial role in the design and implementation of the solution space. The range of variability, the complexity of relations between problem space features and solution constituents, the number and frequency of variant production, the size and experience of the development team and many further factors play a role. In simple cases, the variant can be produced by hand, but automated tools in the form of Excel and / or small configuration scripts, and also model transformers, code generators or variant management systems will speed production.

One approach for modelling and mapping of the solution space variability is to use a separate Solution Model to model the solution space, to associate solution space elements with problem space features, and to support the automatic selection of solution space elements when constructing a product variant. This separation of concerns also has the advantage of allowing both models to evolve independently.

Solution models have a hierarchical structure, consisting of logical items of the solution architecture, e.g. components, classes and objects. These logical items can be augmented with information about "real" solution elements such as source code files, in order to enable automatic production of a solution from a valid feature model configuration (more on this later). For each solution model element, a rule is created to link it to the solution space. For example, the Web Server implementation component is only included if the Web Server feature has been selected from the problem space. To achieve this, a hasFeature('Web Server') rule is attached to the "Web Server" component. Any item below "Web Server" in the solution model can only be included in the solution if the corresponding Web Server feature is selected.

In our example, an architectural variation point arises, among other possibilities, in the area of data output. Each output format can be implemented with an object of a format-specific output class. Thus in the case of HTML output, an object of type HtmlOutput is instantiated, and with XML output, an XmlOutput object. There would also be the possibility here of instantiating an appropriate object at runtime using a Strategy pattern. However, since the feature model designates only the use of alternative output formats, the variability can be resolved at compile-time and a suitable object can be instantiated using code generation for example.

In our example solution space a lookup in a text database is used to support multiple natural languages. The choice of which database to use is made at compile-time depending on the desired language. No difference in solution architectures can be detected between two variants that differ only in the target language. Here the variation point is embedded in the data level of the implementation.

In many cases, managing variable solutions only at the architectural level is insufficient. As it has already been mentioned above, we must also support variation points at the implementation level, i.e. in our case at the C++ source code level. This is necessary to support automated product derivation. The constituents of a solution on the implementation level, like source code files or configuration files which can be generated, can also be entered in the solution model and associated with selection rules.

So the existence of the Web Server component in a product variant is denoted using a #define preprocessor directive in a configuration Header file. In addition, an appropriate abstract variation point variable "WEB SERVER" must first be created in the solution model. The value of this variable is determined by a Value attribute. In our case, this value is always 1 if the variable is contained in the product variant. An item can now be assigned to this abstract variable. This item also possesses attributes (file, flag), which are used during the transformation of the model into "real" code. The meaning of the attributes is determined by a transformation selected in the generation step.

Separating the logical variation point from the solution makes it very simple to manage changes to the solution space. For example, if the same variation point requires an entry in a Makefile, this could be achieved with the definition of a further source element, below the variation point "WEB SERVER".

Deriving product variants

The solution model captures both the structure of the solution space with its variation points and the connection of solution and problem space. Not only is the separation of these two spaces important, but also the direction of the connection, since problem space models in most cases are much more stable than solution spaces; the linkage of the solution space to the problem space is more meaningful than the selection of solution items by rules in the problem space. This also increases the potential for reuse, since problem space models can simply be combined with other (new, better, faster) solutions.

Now we have all the information needed to create an individual product variant. The first step is to determine a valid selection of characteristics from the feature model. In the case of some tools, the user is guided towards a valid and complete feature selection, and for a large feature model this can reduce the time to create a complete and consistent selection by an order of magnitude. Once a valid selection is found, the specified feature list, and the solution model serve as input for the production of a variant model. Then, as is described above, the rules of the individual model items are checked. Only items that have their rules satisfied are included in the finished solution.

Open Issues in SPLE

So far we have highlighted some of the most common issues that will be encountered when working with Software Product Lines. In this section we highlight some additional issues.

Even with visualization support from specialist tools the visual representation of very complex model structures is not a completely solved problem. Larger feature models can have several hundred features and the solution space can have several thousands or more constituents. Thus it can be hard to understand the implications of modifications to these models just through use of model diagrams.

Issues around Product Line evolution are also very important. Evolution must be managed since changes that positively affect one or more variants could have a negative effect on other variants and these issues may only show up when variants are produced long after the changes have been implemented.

Finally, testing a Product Line also represents a significant challenge. Most Product Lines offer more potential variability than is in use at any one time, and testing all possible variants is usually impossible and in some cases a waste of time. Testing just those variants that are produced is already a difficult problem where there is a high number of variants. However, it is still necessary to co-ordinate testing with variant production in some way. One approach is to create test asset variants as one does for the (software) solution space variants - effectively creating a parallel test solution space that is driven from the Feature model. Reduction of test effort is still an open issue though for many Product Lines.

Closing Remarks

The example presented in this article shows how the variability of the problem space of a Product Line can be described very simply using feature models. The automated production of solution variants is the logical next step, for which we have shown one example. In this example we have highlighted some of the approaches and issues that need to be considered when using Software Product Lines. These are covered in more depth in [Bos00], a standard work on Software Product Lines, for example.

References and Links

[Bos00] J. Bosch, Design and Use of Software Architectures: Adopting and Evolving a Product Line Approach, Addison-Wesley, 2000

[Cle01] P. Clements, L Northrop, Software Product Lines: Practices & Patterns, Addison-Wesley 2001 (see also

[Cza00] K. Czarnecki, U.W. Eisenecker, Generative Programming: Methods, Tools, and Applications, Addison-Wesley, 2000

[Kan90] K. Kang, et al., Feature Oriented Domain Analysis (FODA) Feasibility Study, Technical report CMU/SEI-90-TR-021, Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, 1990

[Ste04] M. Steger et al., Introducing PLA RK Bosch Gasoline of System: Experiences and Practices, in: Proc. of the Software Product Line Conf. 2004, S. 34-50

[Voel05] M. Voelter, Variantenmanagement in the context of MDSD, in: JavaSpektrum 5/05

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This article was originally published in the Winter 2006 issue of Methods & Tools

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