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MeuScrum - Free Online Scrum Tool

MeuScrum is a free online Scrum tool. It provides a ready-to-use distributed platform for Agile project management with the main features that allow managing projects, people, releases, user stories, tasks and sprints. MeuScrum is available in English, Portuguese (Brazil) and Spanish

Version tested: online version in February 2022
License: Free software
Support: by email
Documentation: no documentation


First-time users can register with an e-mail where your password is sent.

MeuScrum - Free Online Scrum Tool
(click on figure to enlarge it)

Using MeuScrum


The project screen allows creating and managing your projects. You can describe them, assign a domain (sales, marketing, software development, etc.) and set their mode as “active” or “planning”. For each project, many actions are available to manage directly their team, releases, user stories, sprints, kanban board, etc. You can also manage a calendar and meetings.


You can add people to the project team by providing their e-mails and defining the role they will play in the project. These users will receive an e-mail with a link to fill the registration form.


Sprints are created with a beginning and end date. Their status can be “active” or “waiting”


Stories are created with a mandatory deadline, priority and order in sprint. You can add estimated story points using a modified Fibonacci suite, a description and a definition of done.

Kanban Boards

For each project’s sprint, you have a kanban board with predefined columns. You can also add additional custom columns. You can decide if some of the predefined columns are visible or not.

On the kanban board, you can create tasks and link them to active user stories. You can define a type of task (new, improvement, bug, ...), a priority, assign them to a team member. You can also define a status that will put the task initially on a column of the kanban board. Then the tasks can be moved between columns using a normal “drag and drop” action. You can also associate one file (image, document, spreadsheet, etc.) to the task. Finally, you can print the ideal burndown chart for the sprint, but you cannot register completed work (or I haven’t found the way to do it).


In the report section, MeuScrum offers six reports that list the different items you have recorded for your projects.


MeuScrum is a simple free online scrum tool that provides the basic features to define and manage your Agile projects online. It might be an interesting choice for people who want to investigate what Agile project management could be or have a distributed Scrum team that needs to work in different languages in addition to English. It will be also useful if you have a somewhat larger team that doesn’t qualify the project for the free plans available by some commercial Scrum tools. These often restrict the number of team members to five or less in free plans.

On the negative side, even if the application is rather intuitive, the lack of documentation makes you wonder sometimes what are the consequences of your choices when you define your project data. This free application is partially ad-supported on its dashboard and this is sometimes annoying.

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This article was originally published in February 2022

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