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This article was originally published in the Summer 2008 issue of Methods & Tools
Acceptance TDD Explained - Part 5
Lasse Koskela
Use the language of the domain
An important property of acceptance tests is that they use the language of the domain and the customer instead of geek-speak only the programmer understands. This is the fundamental requirement for having the customer involved in the creation of acceptance tests and helps enormously with the job of validating that the tests are correct and sufficient. Scattering too much technical lingo into our tests makes us more vulnerable to having a requirement bug sneak into a production release—because the customer’s eyes glaze over when reading geek-speak and the developers are drawn to the technology rather than the real issue of specifying the right thing.
By using a domain language in specifying our tests, we are also not unnecessarily tied to the implementation, which is useful since we need to be able to refactor our system effectively. By using domain language, the changes we need to make to our existing tests when refactoring are typically non-existent or at most trivial.
Concise, precise, and unambiguous
Largely for the same reasons we write our acceptance tests using the domain’s own language, we want to keep our tests simple and concise. We write each of our acceptance tests to verify a single aspect or scenario relevant to the user story at hand. We keep our tests uncluttered, easy to understand, and easy to translate to executable tests. The less ambiguity involved, the better we are at avoiding mistakes and the working with our tests.
We might write our stories as simple reminders in the form of a bulleted list, or we might opt to spell them out as complete sentences describing the expected behavior. In either case, the goal is to provide just enough information for us to remember the important things we need to discuss and test for, rather than documenting those details beforehand. Card, conversation, confirmation—these are the three Cs that make up a user story. Those same three Cs could be applied to acceptance tests as well.
Remember the acceptance tests we saw earlier, for the story about a customer support system? Take another look at them, back in figure 2.
Would you say these tests are simple and concise? Perhaps you would. Perhaps you wouldn’t. Personally, I’d say there are some things in these tests that could be safely omitted while still preserving enough information to carry the original intent, and some things that shouldn’t be there. Figure 5 shows a revamp of the same tests shown in figure 2.
Figure 5. Revamped acceptance tests from figure 2
Notice the difference in conciseness? Notice how the developer would still know to test for the right things, provided they can ask the customer for the details, such as what kind of a message should be displayed for a non-existent account number or when the number is omitted altogether? The tests in figure 5 can be considered more accurate than the tests in figure 2 because they omit details that could change by the time we get around to implementing the story.
Obviously, some prefer to have more details written down for the acceptance tests than do others. Whether you’re into more text or less, or whether you prefer sketching little diagrams and UI designs as part of your user stories and the accompanying acceptance tests, it’s up to you and your team to decide. It’s all good as long as you remember to keep your acceptance tests simple and concise, and as long as you avoid writing down ambiguous things that can be interpreted wrongly at a later stage. Specifically, avoid writing down details that are easy to find out later and that don’t add crucial information for estimating the size of the story.
The last property of acceptance tests that we’ll list here has more to do with automating the tests than the way or form in which they’re written.
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