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This article was originally published in the Summer 2008 issue of Methods & Tools

Acceptance TDD Explained - Part 6

Lasse Koskela

2.3 Implementing acceptance tests

Yet another common property of acceptance tests is that theymight not be implemented (translation: automated) using the same programming language as the system they are testing. Whether this is the case depends on the technologies involved and on the overall architecture of the system under test. For example, some programming languages are easier to interoperate with than others. Similarly, it is easy to write acceptance tests for a web application through the HTTP protocol with practically any language we want, but it’s often impossible to run acceptance tests for embedded software written in any language other than that of the system itself.

The main reason for choosing a different programming language for implementing acceptance tests than the one we’re using for our production code (and, often, unit tests) is that the needs of acceptance tests are often radically different from the properties of the programming language we use for implementing our system. To give you an example, a particular real-time system might be feasible to implement only with native C code, whereas it would be rather verbose, slow, and error-prone to express tests for the same real-time system in C compared to, for example, a scripting language.

The ideal syntax for expressing our acceptance tests could be a declarative, tabular structure such as a spreadsheet, or it could be something closer to a sequence of higher-level actions written in plain English. If we want to have our customer collaborate with developers on our acceptance tests, a full-blown programming language such as Java, C/C++, or C# is likely not an option. "Best tool for the job" means more than technically best, because the programmer’s job description also includes collaborating with the customer.

Now that we know something about acceptance tests and we have an idea of who’s writing the tests in the first place, let’s see how we use them to drive our development. What does acceptance test-driven development look like on paper?

3 Understanding the process

Test-driven development gives a programmer the tools for evolving their software in small steps, always certain of the software working as expected. This certainty comes from the programmer expressing their expectations in the form of automated unit tests. In acceptance test-driven development, this certainty is gained not on the level of technical correctness but rather on the feature level of, "does the software do what I want it to do?"

In other words, although in TDD we’re first defining the specific behavior we want our code base to exhibit and only then implementing the said behavior, in acceptance TDD we first define the specific user- or customer-valued functionality we want our system as a whole to exhibit and only then implement the said behavior, most likely using TDD as our vehicle of choice.

Because we know what acceptance tests look like, how about if we take a quick tour through the overall process of acceptance test-driven development and then broaden our view and look at what happens on the scale of a whole iteration? After that, we can go back and zoom in on the details of the more interesting bits.

About the customer

You may have noticed that user stories as a requirements-management technique tend to stress having close and frequent interaction with the customer. If you’re worried about not having an on-site customer, or having a customer who’s not keen on having much to do with developing the software, you can stop worrying. There are ways around this obvious limitation, and we’ll talk about those later on. For now, just consider the customer as referring to a role rather than a specific person—a role that can be played by, say, one of the test engineers or developers who knows enough about the product’s domain to be able to make the kinds of decisions a real customer would make.

But now, I present you with the process of acceptance test-driven development, distilled into four small steps.

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